Air India to resume flying Boeing 787 Dreamliner form tomorrow

Air India to resume flying Boeing 787 Dreamliner form tomorrowState-run aviation firm, Air India   has said that it will resume flying its Boeing 787 Dreamliner passenger jets from tomorrow after a period of four months since the places were grounded due to an issue with the battery.

Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh has said that Air India will start flying Dreamliners on domestic routes on Wednesday and on international routes on May 22. He said all the six Dreamliners will be ready for operations within this month. Air India is planning to acquire eight more Dreamliners by December.

Air India had placed an order for 27 Boeing 787 Dreamliners form the American company. The company has replaced the old faulty battery with a new battery system that is safeguarded against overheating. The older battery issue caused the system to overheat and resulted in fires. The company is working with the investigators form the government to determine the issue affecting the battery of the plane that has resulted in grounding of the aircrafts around the world.

Boeing has sold 848 of the planes but the company had to delay the delivery schedule by three years mainly due to a series of production delays. The company had recently said that it is planning to double the production of the planes to meet demand and deliver planes to its customers around the world.