Apple rejects "Me So Holy" iPhone application

APPLEThe maker of iPhone - Apple has rejected an iPhone application, with which users can superimpose their own faces on religious figures, including Jesus Christ. Apple has rejected "Me So Holy" saying that the application is objectionable and violates its developer agreement.

The Apple's developer agreement states, "Applications must not contain any obscene, pornographic, offensive, or defamatory content or materials of any kind (text, graphics, images, photographs, etc.), or other content or materials that in the company's reasonable judgment may be found objectionable by iPhone or iPod touch users".

In a blog posted Monday on his Web site, mesoholy. com, the developer of "Me So Holy," Benjamin Kahle wrote, "We feel that Apple is being too sensitive to its perceived user group and are disappointed that this otherwise creative, freethinking company would reject such a positive and fun application. The message to developers is that they should think inside the box, rather than outside it."

Kahle wrote that Apple's war of values should not step in to what users should or should not view on their own screens. Kahle's Animalizer application, with which users can change their faces into images of animal look-alikes has been approved by Apple.

However, Apple did not respond to comment on the rejection of "Me So Holy" Tuesday.