Brit policewomen to wear head scarves to improve relations with Muslims

Brit policewomen to wear head scarves to improve relations with MuslimsLondon, July 28 : In a bid to improve their relations with Muslim community, women police officers in Britain are being given head scarves to be worn when they enter mosques or other places of worship.

Officers in Avon and Somerset are being issued two versions of the head coverings, one to match the black of the police officers' uniform and one to match the blue uniforms of the -community support officers.

Both garments are embroidered with the Avon and Somerset Constabulary emblem and will also be available to plain-clothes officers.

"Producing head coverings for our officers and staff to wear in places of worship is part of our commitment to engage with all our communities. It recognises and respects the cultural and religious practices of our communities," the Daily Express quoted Assistant Chief Constable Jackie Roberts, as saying.

"This is a very positive addition to the Avon and Somerset uniform and one which I'm sure will be a welcome item for many of our officers," she added.

Rashad Azami, an Imam and director of the Bath Islamic Society, said: "This will go a long way in encouraging a trustful relationship between the police and the Muslim community.

"The police have been working closely with the Muslim community in the area on many levels for the last few years. We have found their cooperation very helpful."

The 13-pound head coverings have been issued to women officers who work closely with Muslim groups in Bristol, Bath and surrounding areas.

But the force said they can also be used in other religious settings as a mark of respect, for instance to cover the shoulders of a plain-clothes female officer in a church. (ANI)