Extra pregnancy pounds could pose problems for obese women

Extra pregnancy pounds could pose problems for obese womenRecent study revealed that most obese women gain more pregnancy weight than recommended weight as compared to other women. Study also indicated that the excess weight gain is not only difficult to lose later, but it also increases the risk of complications during pregnancy.

Research team led by Dr. Kimberly K. Vesco, of the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research in Portland, Oregon, analyzed data collected from 1,656 obese women who gave birth between 2000 and 2005 in America.  

Data analysis also indicated that around three-quarters study subjects gained more than 15 pounds during pregnancy. 15 pounds is the recommended weight gain during pregnancy.  

It was also found that the extra pounds gained during pregnancy were not easy to shed later on. Data indicated that women gained more than 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy have double chances of retaining more than 10 pounds over their pre-pregnancy weight as compared to women who gained less than 15 pounds.

Dr. Kimberly K. Vesco said: "We found that nearly three quarters of obese women gain too much weight during pregnancy -- and the more weight they gain, the harder it is to lose."