Misconceptions regarding donating of organs stop people from becoming registered donors

Misconceptions regarding donating of organs stop people from becoming registered donors A recent survey revealed that the number of people desirous of donating organs is far more than the number of registered donors. Most Americans harbor various misconceptions relating donation of organs which prevent them from becoming active donors.

Data from survey revealed that nearly 72 percent of Americans want to be an organ donor but only 38 percent of licensed drivers are registered donors. Researchers from Astellas Pharma US and Donate Life America analyzed data collected from 5,100 U. S. adults.

Life America Chair Sara Pace Jones said: "The number of people awaiting organ transplants has climbed to more than 100,000, and an average of 18 people die each day waiting for available organs. It is more important than ever for those who support donation to legally document those wishes."

23 percent people believe that they don't qualify as donor because of health conditions or age factor. 50 percent people harness a misconception that doctors will not try hard if they know of patient's wish to be an organ donor. Nearly 44 percent believed that there is a black market in U. S in which people can buy or sell organs or tissue.

Jones added that helping people understand exactly how the process of organ donation works is the first step toward alleviating fears that doctors don't work as hard to save organ donors.
