Obama tries to convince Colorado voters for early voting

Obama tries to convince Colorado voters for early votingOn his fifth visit to the state in recent months, Barack Obama, at a rally at Colorado State University, tried to convince a crowd of mostly college students to vote early. In the tree-lined college town, an hour north of Denver, the Illinois Senator had some fun with the crowd, like a comfortable frontrunner.

Saying that early voting is “easy and fun”, Obama tried to convince the crowd with: “You’ll feel morally superior having already cast your ballot while those lazy procrastinators are waiting until November 4th.”

In a light-hearted manner, Obama told the crowd of over 40,000 that they can vote for John McCain on November 5, the day after the election. He chuckled and said: “Now, I especially want you to vote early if you’re voting for me. If you’re voting for the other guy, you should just wait until November 5.”

In Obama’s recent campaign, early voting has been a big theme. It ends the arguments with his opposition, and also precludes any mind-changing, in case there be a surprise between now and November 4 or inclement weather that day!

From Colorado, Obama heads to Canton, Ohio, and then Pittsburgh in crucial Pennsylvania, to deliver his closing argument to voters, after a 22-month campaign.

Obama’s campaign sources have informed that the final speech would be like a retread of his stump speech of recent days. He would try to project McCain as a continuation of the Bush administration. The Democrat would hint that he would rise over partisanship to fix the economy and ‘clean up’ Washington!

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