
Keep working to cure your back pain

Back Pain
London : Experts have said that people who suffer from back pain and arthritis should stay in work if they want to recover quickly.

Some people who suffer from the musculoskeletal disorders - the most common occupational illness - usually stop working within five years of diagnosis of the disease.

Food additives may make children hyperactive

Hyperactive Children
London, September 6 : UK researchers have warned that children may develop hyperactive behaviour if their diets contain food additives.

The Food Standards Agency, a non-ministerial government department of the UK Government, carried out a study on 300 randomly selected children, and found that hyperactivity increased after a drink containing additive combinations.

Television viewing could lead to attention problems

Watching TelevisionLondon : Children who watch television for more than two hours a day may develop attention problems later in life, a long-term study has shown.

The more television they watch the more problems they could face, the study of more than 1,000 children born in Dunedin, New Zealand between April 1972 and March 1973 found.

Keep teeth clean to prevent heart disease

White Teeth
London : Keep your teeth clean if you want to protect your heart from diseases, suggests a new study that has found evidence of a link for the first time between gum disease and heart disease.

Periodontitis is a chronic gum disease, which occurs when waste material or plaque collects around the teeth and irritates the gums. One can remove the plaque by brushing and flossing the teeth regularly.
