New Zealand

Edmund Hillary’s ashes to be scattered from sailing ship

Edmund HillarysWellington, Jan 22 : Thousands of mourners gathered in Auckland today to b

Mourners in New Zealand pay respects to Sir Edmund Hillary

Sir Edmund HillaryAuckland (New Zealand), Jan.

Meet the man who may have five kidneys!

Wellington, Nov 24 : In an astounding medical discovery, a Hamilton man has found out that he could have five kidneys, instead of the usual two.

Two NRI chefs on trial for rape of 17-year-old school girl in Christchurch

Christchurch (New Zealand), Nov.20 :Two Non-Resident Indian chefs are on trial in Christchurch, New Zealand, for the rape of a 17-year-old schoolgirl who had run away from home.

Squid-derived gel reduces bleeding, scarring during surgery

Wellington, November 18 : University of Otago chemists have patented a gel derived from the squid—a sea animal with long body and ten arms around its mouth—which they claim can reduce both bleeding

Now, a hi-tech answer to improve your batting technique

Christchurch (New Zealand), Nov.9 : Two Burnside High School students in Christchurch, New Zealand, have reportedly come up with a hi-tech answer to improve their batting technique.
