Vinegar can help control Blood Sugar: Study

Vinegar can help control Blood Sugar: Study

Claims are being made that vinegar can help in lowering the blood sugar levels. The fact is that there is still a need to evaluate existing evidence to see if those claims were true.

Many studies have shown that adding vinegar to the meal prevents rapid absorption in the body. This is done by preventing enzymes which convert carbohydrates into sugar.

In this manner vinegar may help in preventing a rapid rise in the blood sugar levels after food hence allowing a better sugar control.

A study published in Diabetes Care, which is a journal of American Diabetes Association in 2004 showed that people who consumed vinegar along with their meal were abale to reduce their glycemic response or rise in blood sugar by at least 30%.

A study conducted by Italian researchers showed that when healthy subjects consumed about four teaspoons of white vinegar as a salad dressing along with a meal which includes white bread with a little less than two ounces of carbohydrates.

Therefore after all the speculation studies suggest that adding vinegar to a meal may reduce the impact on the high blood sugar.

(Via TopNews United States)