Want to live longer: start smiling

smileSmile is like a god's gift and should be used effectively, because it can do miracles. Nothing will be spent but the cute smile can increase the life span about 7 years.

Investigators have found that the path to longer life is hidden behind a good and crackling smile. The wider one's smile is and the deeper the grooves around one's eyes when one smiles, the lengthier one is probable to live.

According to the researchers, wider grins and deeper pleat around eyes reflects an optimistic smile leads to a better and longer life.

The researchers from Wayne State University, Michigan, have concluded this fact. There has been a study of archaic photographs of chief league baseball player which was published in the 1952 Baseball Register.

Each player's information such as date of birth, weight, marital status and educational details were given in that register.

The scientists positioned every player according to whether they didn't have smile at all or a fractional smile, in which only the muscles around the mouth were concerned, or a full-blown smile that exhibited a toothy smirk, elevated cheeks and grooves around eyes.

The results exposed that of the 184 players, those in the 'no smile' group had lived for 72.9 years on average.