Water could be key to lose weight

Researchers from the University of Birmingham have good news for obese people, as they have found the trick to lose weight in water. Drinking 16.9 ounces of water before every meal can help people shed weight.

The researchers said people who drink water before every meal- breakfast, lunch and dinner are able to lose weight faster than those who do not follow this routine. In the study, the researchers recruited 84 adults and they had to follow a 12-wek program.

All participants have received advice on weight loss like adapting their lifestyles, improving their diets and performing regular exercise. After the advice, the total number was divided into two sub-groups.

One of the groups had 41 volunteers who had to drink 16.9 oz. of water 30 minutes before their three daily meals every day for 12 weeks. The second group, which was a control group, had 43 people who were told to think that they were full before every meal and they were not asked to have water.

The researchers found that the group that had water before their meals lost an average 9.48 pounds in 12 weeks, which was on an average of 2.87 pounds more than the second group.

Study's lead author Helen Parretti said, "When combined with brief instructions on how to increase your amount of physical activity and on a healthy diet, this seems to help people to achieve some extra weight loss - at a moderate and healthy rate".