CDs supposed to be having Haj information, have Hindi film instead!

Lahore, Nov 2 : Quite to the surprise to many, a Hindi movie was erroneously dubbed on CDs supposed to be containing Haj-related information.

The error was detected only when they landed in the hands of the ultimate users.

The CDs were forwarded to all four provincial offices and travel agents across the country. They were recorded at a private firm in Rawalpindi.

Each CD cost the pilgrims Rs 50.

Some of these CDs, bought from a stall at the Haji camp in Karachi, contained an Indian film, confirmed Karachi Haj Director Abdul Sattar Sameeto.

“I have informed the ministry about the CDs,” the Daily Times quoted Sameeto as saying in a TV interview.

He added about 10-20 percent of the CDs sent to Karachi had the film recorded on them. (ANI)
