David Beckham books a flat in a red light district in Milan!

London, October 28 : Ace footballer David Beckham has rented a posh apartment that is five-minute walk away from an infamous red light district in Milan.

The soccer-star-turned-model booked the flat for his four-month break from LA Galaxy, where he is expected to reside alone.

The multi-million pound luxury pad is near to the city’s Viale Abruzzi known for its transvestite prostitutes, pimps, and drug dealers.

Its location is also considered to be a danger magnet area.

“Beckham’s choice is bizarre. His new place is a stone’s throw from where hordes of transvestites gather at night,” the Sun quoted ex-pat Michael Day as saying. 

“There is also a major problem with drugs in the area and it is the constant cause of complaints from locals who want it cleaned up. 

“It would take Beckham five minutes to be in the heart of the seediest red light district in Milan,” he added. (ANI)
