Kalyan says will campaign for Samajwadi Party

Lucknow, Jan. 21: Former Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Kalyan Singh on Wednesday said that he will campaign for the Samajwadi Party (SP) in the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections.

Kalyan Singh met SP leaders Mulayam Singh Yadav and Amar Singh here, and announced that he would be electioneering for the `cycle symbol' in the Lok Sabha polls scheduled to be held in March -April this year.

However, Mulayam Singh Yadav said that his (Kalyan's) decision is only based on the friendship that the two of them share, and it should not be looked as any political alliance.

"He (Kalyan) will campaign for me only as a friendly gesture. This is new friendship not an electoral alliance," said Singh.

Earlier, Kalyan Singh had resigned from all posts from the BJP citing the humiliation meted out to him by the present party management.

"The Bharatiya Janata Party has insulted me. I have never felt so humiliated [in my political career] as I have been feeling today. I have learnt from my reliable sources that a meeting of the core group was held in Delhi and it was decided that I should be shown the exit door. Returning to BJP earlier, I think, was a mistake," Singh had said while announcing his resignation from the party yesterday.

He also had blamed the BJP for sidelining its leaders who have enjoyed huge public support.

"It is people to see that a leader (like himself) who has the potential of winning 60 MPs in elections is being meted out such a treatment by the party. The leaders who have nurtured the party, they are being sidelined," Singh added.

Singh however, didn't disclosed that whether he would be contesting the elections on the SP's ticket or not.

Kalyan Singh's joining hand with the Samajwadi Party may dent the newly found political combination of BSP and Mayawati in Uttar Pradesh as he (Kalyan) has a huge following across the western and central region of the state. (ANI)
