Pak Govt. plans to combat ''Bad Taliban''

Pak Govt. plans to combat ''Bad Taliban''Islamabad, Apr. 20 : The Pakistan Government has decided to track down and combat the ‘Bad Taliban,’ which is held responsible for targeting law-enforcement agencies in the NWFP and FATA.

According to The Nation, the recent increase in of suicide bombings targeting the NWFP police has forced the government to start a hunt operation against the anti-state ‘Bad Taliban’.

Recently, two consecutive suicide-bombing attacks at Charsadda and Hangu District have killed three dozen police personnel.

The identical pattern of the bombings and preliminary investigation revealed that the attacks were carried out by ‘Bad Taliban’ with help of local criminals.

According to the sources, the Zardari Government is also planning to seek the help of what is described as ‘Good Taliban’ in tracking down and combating the elements involved in destabilizing the country.

Some government sources supported the new plans, by saying that new strategy could greatly help to identify the elements targeting the law enforcement agencies in NWFP and FATA.

“Good Taliban are people following just Islamic agenda and were not involved in the anti-state activities “, a source said.

However others were not inclined to buy the idea because, they said that the Taliban were targeting the law enforcement agencies as reaction to the CIA operated drone strikes against Al-Qaeda and Taliban hideouts in FATA.

“All the Taliban are the same and there should be no distinction between good and bad Taliban and it was need of the hour that government tackles them with an iron hand”, said another source. (ANI)
