Red pens for marking pupils’ copies deemed ‘aggressive’ Down Under!

Melbourne, Dec 3 (ANI): Teachers Down Under have been told not to use red pen to mark schoolchildren''s work– because it’s too aggressive.

Queensland''s Deputy Opposition Leader Mark McArdle told parliament today that teachers were being advised to reconsider their pen choice because it may offend children.

McArdle then tabled a Queensland Health document proposing "strategies for addressing mental health well-being in any classroom".

McArdle stated that the government should be concentrating on other needful issues rather than asking the teachers to get rid of red pen and use a different color for marking students.

"Given your 10-year-old Labor government presides over the lowest numeracy and literacy standards of any state in Australia, don''t you think it''s time we focused on classroom outcomes rather than these kooky, loony, loopy, lefty policies?" News. com. au quoted McArdle, as saying. (ANI)
