
American girl's fate hangs in balance in Pakistani madressa

Pakistan MadrassasKarachi  - Pakistan's immigration authorities issued immediate deportation orders Monday for an American girl awaiting an uncertain destiny holed up in a fundamentalist Islamic seminary.

Muna Abanur Mohammed is among the eight students at Jamia Binora, a leading madressa in southern port city Karachi, who were placed on a black-list last month by Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, due to the expiration of their religious education visas to study Koran.

Pak decides to liberalise trade with India to address its global trade deficit

Pak decides to liberalise trade with India to address its global trade deficit

Canada refuses visas to Pak delegates for World Youth Congress fearing they may not return

Karachi, July 19 : Fearing that they might not return home after their ten-day stay in Canada for the Fourth World Youth Congress, the Canadian High Commission here has refused visas to all the int

Pakistan stock market calm as small investors given exit

Karachi - An eerie calm persisted in Pakistan's largest bourse on Friday following introduction of a special exit counter for small investors to dump their holdings, traders said.

Pak lady TV producer aghast at ferocity of “good Muslims”

TTP commander Baitullah MehsudKarachi, July 17 :

Pakistan stock slump triggers protest in Karachi

Karachi- Protests broke out both on and off the trading floor Thursday in the southern port city of Karachi as Pakistan's largest stock market plunged, traders said.
