North Korea

Iran distances itself from North Korean rocket launch

Iran distances itself from North Korean rocket launchTehran  - Tehran Monday distanced itself from Pyongyang's rocket launch, urging countries in that "sensitive region" to stay calm and apply their efforts to securing peace and stability.

North Korea launched a rocket on Sunday, in defiance of warnings from the US and its Asian neighbours, saying it was putting a communications satellite called Kwangmyongsong-2 into orbit.

Japan, South Korea and Washington believe the launch was a screen to test a ballistic missile.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-il was''present'' at missile launch

North Korean leader Kim Jong-il was''present'' at missile launchSeoul, Apr. 6 : North Korea said on Monday that its leader Kim Jong-il was present at Sunday's controversial rocket launch and praised scientists after watching a satellite propelled into orbit.

The official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported Kim was briefed on preparations for the launch before observing the entire process from the command centre.

Japan faces differences with China, Russia on North Korea

Japan faces differences with China, Russia on North KoreaTokyo  - Japan has gained support from its allies in trying to get a new resolution passed in the United Nations Security Council in response to North Korea's weekend rocket launch but still faces differences with China and Russia, Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone said Monday.

"The various countries share the common concern that North Korea's action has a grave impact on the region's stability and security," Kyodo News Agency quoted Nakasone as saying.

Over five in ten Americans support military elimination of North Korean nukes

Over five in ten Americans support military elimination of North Korean nukesWashington, Apr. 6 : Following North Korea's launch of its controversial Taepodong-II missile, a majority of American voters have said that they would support a military approach to eliminate North Korea''s nuclear capabilities.

According to a Rasmussen Reports survey released Sunday morning, 57 percent of all voters support such a response, while just 15 percent oppose it.

Military, other experts say N. Korea missile launch a failure

Military, other experts say N. Korea missile launch a failureWashington/Seoul, Apr. 6 : Military and private experts have said North Korea has failed to fire its Taepodong-II missile after reviewing detailed tracking data that showed the missile and payload falling into the sea.

Some said the failure undercut the North Korean campaign to come across as a fearsome adversary.

Looking at the launch from a purely technical vantage point, space experts said the failure represented a blow that in all likelihood would seriously delay the missile's debut.

US, Japan seek Security Council resolution over North Korean launch

US, Japan seek Security Council resolution over North Korean launchNew York - A United Nations Security Council ended without action Sunday after Japan and the United States demanded a resolution in response to North Korea's firing of a high-altitude rocket.

The 15-country Security Council held a closed session to discuss the action, which Pyongyang claimed was a satellite launch. The US and other powers have question the claim of any satellite being placed into orbit, instead calling a ballistic missile test.
