
Palin Attacks Obama On “Spread Wealth Around” Comment

Palin Attacks Obama On “Spread Wealth Around” CommentAlmost immediately after beginning her evening speech at Shippensburg University in central Pennsylvania on Tuesday, Sarah Palin attacked Barrack Obama trying to peg him as a “socialist”, using an interview Obama did with Chicago Public Radio in 2001. Palin claimed that Obama - a former constitutional law professor - favors allowing the judiciary to seize property and personal income in order to “spread the wealth around.”

McCain Has Fading Hopes Pinned On Pennsylvania

McCain Has Fading Hopes Pinned On Pennsylvania With the McCain campaign coming to believe that winning Pennsylvania is essential, Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin charged up a crowd of supporters at an indoor rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania. They continued their criticism of Democrat presidential hopeful, Barack Obama, as a tax-and-spend “redistributionist” who would raise taxes on small businesses and the middle class.

Barack Obama says winning Pennsylvania is key to reaching White House

Barack ObamaWashington, Sep 6: Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama has said that he will win the White House race if he wins Pennsylvania. He was speaking to workers after touring Voit Siemens Hydro Power Generation plant.

“If you vote for me, I think we will win Pennsylvania. If we win Pennsylvania, we'll win the election,” Obama said.

Men’s Underarm Smell Attracts Women – A Study

A new study conducted by researchers at Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia revealed that men’s underarm smell actually attract women.
Men’s Underarm Smell Actually Attract Women
The study researchers discovered that underarm sweat contains a complex compound of odourless pheromones that have a strong involuntary effect on females.

In the study, the scientists found that the exposure to the pheromone from the male armpit sped up the discharge of the luteinizing hormone that controls menstruation in women.

Even, the female test subjects said they felt more relaxed as they sniffed the hormone.

Pennsylvania polls open in crucial Obama, Clinton race

Hershey, Pennsylvania  -  After six weeks of listening to contentious bids for their support, Pennsylvania voters headed to the polls Tuesday with the fate of Hillary Clinton's presidential ambitio
