Tom Cruise adamant to take movie risks

Tom CruiseWashington, Nov 27: Hollywood actor Tom Cruise has revealed that he will continue to take risks with his films, insisting that some of his greatest hits were dubbed "career suicide".

The 46-year-old actor, who would next be seen in World War Two-themed Valkyrie, said that he prefers to be slated by critics than always opt for safe but boring parts.

"There''s always someone telling you not to make a movie. When I did Born on the Fourth of July they said, ''This is going to ruin your career. What are you doing?'' Suicide? I''ve committed it. There were people who didn''t want me to make Top Gun," Contacmusic quoted him, as telling Details magazine.

However, Cruise also admitted that he has made some mistakes in the past, and that he could have handled certain things better.

The actor’s stellar Hollywood career had begun to crumble when his behaviour started becoming more and more erratic, which even cost him the support of his fans.

He went down even further after he announced that he would eat his baby’s placenta, and also for slamming actress Brooke Shields for using anti-depressants.

“There are things that I could have done better. I could have handled things better,” he confessed during an interview held in his suite at the Beverly Hills Hotel. (A
