Hate preacher Abu Hamza’s sons involved in luxury car scam

Hate preacher Abu Hamza’s sons involved in luxury car scamLondon, Apr 9 : Radical Islamist preacher Abu Hamza's three sons face prison over a one million pound luxury car racket.

Hamza's sons Hamza Kamel, 22, and Mohamed Mostafa, 27, ran the fraud with stepson Mohssin Ghailam, 28, and three others.

The trio masterminded a scam in which expensive makes such as Mercedes, BMWs and Range Rovers were targeted.

They spotted motors left in long-stay car parks and sent off their registrations to the DVLA, claiming to be owners who had moved house, The Sun reported.

Armed with new logbooks they got duplicate keys from dealers, London's Southwark Crown Court was told. Then they stole the cars.

Kamel and Mostafa, of Acton, West London, between them admitted handling stolen goods, laundering cash and fraud. Ghailam, of Shepherd's Bush, admitted fraud. The case was adjourned for reports.

Mostafa has previously been in jail in Yemen over a plot to bomb tourists. A source said: "There is no evidence cash was spent on terrorism. They just used it to party."

Hamza, 50, who preached race hate at a London mosque, is serving seven years for soliciting murder. (ANI)
