Kylie Minogue records song with Aussie kids’ music group ‘The Wiggles’

Kylie MinogueLondon, Jan 28 : Aussie pop princess Kylie Minogue has recorded a song with Aussie kids' music group `The Wiggles'.

Minogue wanted to prove herself to her two-year-old nephew Charles, who is the son of her cameraman brother Brendan, and a huge fan of the boy group.

In the upcoming album `The Wiggles Go Bananas', the singer stars on their new song `Monkey Man'.

"Now Charles really will think I'm cool. I hope he likes the song. It was fun to do. I might even grab a shirt and go on tour with the boys. I'm not sure what colour I will be," the Sun quoted Minogue as saying.

The group was last year Australia's top-earning entertainers for a fourth year running, after banking 21 million pounds in 2007-8 from TV, shows, videos and albums. (ANI)
