Malaysian Govt. orders probe into reality show’s stark ‘nude run’

Malaysian Govt. orders probe into reality show’s stark ‘nude run’Kuala Lumpur, May 9 : Malaysia's Information, Communications and Culture Minister Dr Rais Yatim has announced probe into allegations that an island in Johor was used for a European reality show's "nude run".

"We also have to see that a production does not offend the cultural sensitivities of the various ethnic groups in the country. But morality is a complicated issue. That's why we will have to look at this matter from various angles," Dr Rais said.

An island off Mersing came into focus after it was used as the location for a European reality show, which had its participants running stark naked.

Scenes from the Survivor Robinson Ekspeditionen programme, which had been broadcast over TV3 in Denmark, were published on an online newspaper ScandAsia. com.

Dr Rais has asked the relevant agencies involved to help in the probe, and added that he would investigate the matter carefully as he did not want any party to feel discriminated against.

"I have to first determine what happened because various allegations have been made. I have asked all the parties responsible to forward their evidence," he said.

The probe would also focus on which government agency or department should be held responsible.

"We can't tell because there are actually many parties involved," he told reporters.

A source at the Mersing local council said approval for the filming was given only after the producers agreed that there should be no nude activities.

The Danish national who e-mailed the images to Metro, said he was surprised that the Malaysian authorities had allowed the filming although the show was soft porn.

It is believed that a woman who refused to strip was kicked out of the show and sent home to Denmark. (ANI)