Nintendo Has Created Confusion Regarding Region Locked Dsi Software

In a recent move Nintendo has announced that all software and games Nintendo Has Created Confusion Regarding Region Locked Dsi Softwarewith Dsi software shall be Region Restricted which means that a person in Europe will be able to use only European Dsi and not from any other region .While Nintendo's DS and Game Cube have no such restriction and are same for all regions. 

According to Nintendo "Dsi embeds net communication functionality within itself and we are intending to provide net services specifically tailored for each region. Also because we are including parental control functionality for Nintendo Dsi and each region has its unique age limit made by different independent bodies".

A few days ago Nintendo launched Dsi with great fervour. Show casing two cameras and hi-tech audio features, with the handheld gaming console having bigger and lighter screens. this move has come as a surprise for gamers. Also Cammie Dunanway, the executive vice-president at the Nintendo of America made statements contradictory to the above.

With the eyes of game-lovers on Nintendo, let us see if the air of doubt is cleared soon.  

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