Penelope Cruz did not know new film was comedy during shooting

New Delhi, January 24 : Actress Penelope Cruz, 34, has revealed that it was only after the shooting for her new film had finished that she realised that it was a comedy.

The Spanish actress has been nominated for Oscars in the Best Supporting Actress' category for her portrayal of gun-wielding maniac Maria Elena in ''Vicky Cristina Barcelona''.

She said that she just could not understand why people were laughing during screenings of Woody Allen''s latest project, reports the China Daily.

She said: "When we were in the middle of shooting, I felt like I was doing the most intense and disturbing drama I ever did in my career.

She added: "I never laughed until months later, when I saw the movie with an audience. At the beginning, I remember feeling like, ''Why are they laughing?''"

Penelope recently finished filming musical movie ''Nine''. She plays Carla, a beautiful seductress who at one point performs a sexy song while swinging on ropes.

It was a role that left the actress blistered and bruised, but she loved every minute of it and was in tears on her last day of shooting. (ANI)
