
Two African stowaways found dead on ship in Canary Islands

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain  - Two stowaways have died on board a British-flagged container ship coming from Ivory Coast, Spanish police said Monday.

Spain tries to release fishermen abducted by Somali pirates

Madrid - The Spanish government was Monday trying to release 26 fishermen whose boat was captured by pirates off Somalia in east Africa, foreign ministry sources said.

Spain to inject 10 billion euros into its slagging economy

spain flagMadrid - Spain's new government Friday approved 11 measures which will inject 10 billion eur

Spanish police detain 10 Basque separatists for street violence

San Sebastian, Spain - Spanish police detained around 10 Basque separatists early Friday on charges of attacking rail installations and electricity substations, police said.

Spanish court forces Franco's family to open castle to outsiders

Spain FlagSpain  - People with no links to the family of Spain's late dictator Francisco Franco on Thu

Spanish police smash Nigerian letter swindlers ring

Spanish police smash Nigerian letter swindlers ringMa
