Sharif says ‘transparent’ Mumbai carnage probe in Pak’s interest

London, Feb. 5 : Former Pakistan Prime Minister has urged the government to probe the November 2008 Mumbai carnage sincerely and honestly, so that the international community, including India, start believing that Pakistan is committed, and initiating all necessary steps needed to bring the perpetrators of the attack to justice.

Sharif said that Pakistan has taken all necessary steps inorder to nab the masterminds of the ghastly act in which about 200 persons including foreigners lost their lives.

"I have stated again and again that it is in the interest of Pakistan and the region that we do this in the most transparent manner and do it so that even India should express its confidence in our findings," The Dawn quoted Sharif as saying.

He said bringing peace to the region was the responsibility of Pakistan too, and it has taken all measures to ensure to the world that it is not providing safe havens to terrorist outfits. (ANI)
