Obama Leads McCain In Minnesota Opinion Polls

Obama Leads McCain In Minnesota Opinion PollsThe recent Obama vs McCain MN polls show that Barack Obama is currently having respectable lead over John McCain in the Gopher State.

Minnesota has been Democratic state — the state was won by Democrats in 2000 and 2004. Let’s check out what the latest McCain vs Obama Minnesota Polls show.

University of Minnesota/Minnesota Public Radio News’ Obama vs McCain Minnesota poll, conducted from October 24 to October 28, shows Obama leading McCain by 19 % points — 56 % to 37 % among the likely voters of Minnesota.

NBC News/Mason Dixon’s Obama vs McCain MN poll, conducted from October 27 to October 28, shows Obama leading McCain by 8 % points — 48 % to 40 % among the likely voters of Minnesota.

Rasmussen Reports’ Obama vs McCain Minnesota poll, conducted on October 28, shows Obama leading McCain by 12 % points — 55 % to 43 % among the likely voters of Minnesota. According to the poll, Democrats currently have 95.5 % chance of winning Minnesota’s 10 Electoral College votes.

Research 2000/Daily Kos’ Obama vs McCain MN poll, conducted from October 27 to October 29, shows Obama leading McCain by 15 % points — 53 % to 38 % among the likely voters of Minnesota.

Public Policy Polling’s Obama vs McCain MN poll, conducted from October 28 to October 30, shows Obama leading McCain by 16 % points — 57 % to 41 % among the likely voters of Minnesota.

Star Tribune/Princeton Survey Research Associates International’s Obama vs McCain MN poll, conducted from October 29 to October 31, shows Obama leading McCain by 11 % points — 53 % to 42 % among the likely voters of Minnesota.

SurveyUSA’s Obama vs McCain MN poll, conducted from October 30 to November 1, shows Obama leading McCain by 3 % points — 49 % to 46 % among the likely voters of Minnesota.
