Pak Parliament to resolve judicial crisis, says Gilani

Pakistan Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza GilaniIslamabad, Apr 7: Pakistan Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani has said that the judicial crisis will be resolved by the Parliament.

During a meeting with a delegation of notables from different parts of the country here, Gilani said his government would take important decisions in cooperation with all political parties.

“To every wrong there is a remedy. There is no problem in the world, which does not have a solution. We will create bridges, not walls,” he said.

Gilani reiterated that the government would abolish the Concurrent list of federal and provincial subjects within a year and give provincial autonomy to all the federating units.

“As Shaheed Zulfikar Bhutto said the power belonged to the people. We have come into power not for the sake of power. We will serve the people who have given us the mandate,” the Dawn quoted Gilani, as saying.

He said the people were pinning great hopes on the government and he would strive to come up to their expectations. “We will do everything in the larger national interest.”

Gilani said he firmly believed that a government, which had the popular backing, would succeed.

“When there is people’s power behind us, the institutions will not only work but also gain strength,” he said.

He said the main cause of the economic crisis was power shortage and the government was working to solve the problem. (ANI)