
Magnetic Pulses To Brain Help Improving Lazy Eye in Adults

Amblyopia, more commonly known as ‘lazy-eye’ is the related to the eyes, where one eye is weaker than the other, and thus lead to poor vision among the patient.

Canada refuses visas to Pak delegates for World Youth Congress fearing they may not return

Karachi, July 19 : Fearing that they might not return home after their ten-day stay in Canada for the Fourth World Youth Congress, the Canadian High Commission here has refused visas to all the int

Canadian government unmoved by video of teenage Guantanamo detainee

Montreal Canadian officials appeared unmoved Tuesday by a grainy video showing a distraught teenager at the US military prison in Guantanamo Bay pleading with Canadian intelligence officers to tak

Food Network host Bob Blumer sets Guiness world record for flapjack flipping

Toronto, July 13 : Bob Blumer, who hosts the programme ‘Glutton for Punishment’ on Food Network, has set a Guiness world record by flipping 559 pancakes in a single hour, beating the old record by

Canada taking lessons from Soviet debacle in Afghanistan to counter Taliban

Ottawa, July 12 : The Canadian military has been studying the Soviet debacle in Afghanistan in the 1980s for clues on how to prevent similar mistakes as NATO tries to beat back a persistent insurge

Canadian opposition says PM too bullish on Afghan challenge

Ottawa, July 10 : The opposition in Canada believes that Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Chief of Defence Staff, General Walter Natynczyk, are too bullish and optimistic about future of the o
