Berlusconi's income down 90 per cent, still tops lawmaker's list

Berlusconi's income down 90 per cent, still tops lawmaker's list Rome  - Despite declaring in 2007 an income of around a tenth of that of the previous year, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi still easily tops the list of the country's richest government officials, figures released on Monday showed.

Berlusconi's taxable earnings amounted to some 14.5 million euros (19.7 million dollars) compared to 139 million euros he declared in 2006.

Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti declared the second highest income among parliamentarians in 2007 with 4.5 million euros.

There was no immediate comment from Berlusconi's office on the figures released Monday.

However, Italian news reports indicated that his earnings appear to have "stabilized" following 2006, which saw revenues soaring at two Berlusconi-controlled companies - Spanish television station Telecinco, and Endemol, owner of the Big Brother reality television show-format.

Assets listed by Berlusconi for 2007 included shares in his family-owned holding company Fininvest which controls the Mediaset television empire, including Italy's three largest private television channels.

A property in Antigua in the Caribbean, three yachts and a Mercedes-Benz limousine also featured among Berlusconi's assets.

Earlier this month US magazine Forbes listed Berlusconi and his family's worth at 6.5 billion dollars, ranking him Italy's second richest person and 70th overall. (dpa)
