Playmate Holly Madison and Criss Angel Officially Dating Each Other

Holly Madison, Criss AngelTwenty-eight year old Playmate Holly Madison, Playboy owner Hugh Hefner's former girlfriend, has been linked to Criss Angel for months.

Confirming their split a month ago, Hefner stated that the failure to conceive a child together during their six years together was the reason behind the split. However, on a happier note, Criss Angel who has been known to date both Cameron Diaz and Britney Spears, was seen to be getting very romantic with Holly Madison, as far back as August or September.

Going public, Angel's Las Vegas Cirque De Soleil audience heard it from the 'Mindfreak' himself, who told them, he and Holly Madison were officially dating each other.

Also in the open, Kendra Wilkinson revealed she is dating Hank Baskett of the Philadelphia Eagles.