Britney Spears takes Responsibility for Losing Her Self

Britney SpearsThe upcoming MTV documentary Britney: For the Record, a revealing chronicle of three months in the life of Britney Spears, kicks-off at Spears's home on the morning of the MTV Video Music Awards, her manager Larry Rudolph, proclaims is 'the official beginning of the comeback.'

While, Spears is not so keen on the word 'comeback', she does admit that 'I had totally lost my way, lost focus, lost myself.' Talking about her failed romances with Justin Timberlake and Kevin Federline, Britney says she never really faced up to things, but simply ran away. The reason she let the wrong people into her life is, because she was so lonely. Bursting into tears at one point, she calls her current situation bad and sad. And, none too happy about her 'too in-control' life, she states: 'There's no excitement. There's no passion.'

The documentary tracks her meetings with executives from her record label in New York, going shopping, picking out a blouse she calls 'very Katie Holmes', and going for a Broadway musical In the Heights, shooting for her music video Womaniser, all the while hounded by photographers and paparazzi, she says cramp her style.

Stating that 'I was a pretty cool chick, and I'm really not that way anymore.', trying to keep perspective, Spears ends by saying it could have been a lot worse.

The 33-minute documentary shows Britney soul searching and trying to come to terms with her life as it is currently.